- Day 22-26: From Bergen to Trolltunga+5 things to do in Bergen UPD 2018
- Day 18-21: Ålesund, Trollstigen, Geiranger – The most beautiful of Norway! (…seen so far) UPD 2017
- Day 14-17: Trondheim – the pearl of wooden architecture, 5 things to do; + Norwegian farmland [OLD]
- Day 10-13: Airplanes and coastal roads, 5 Things to do in Bodø [UPD 2018]
- Day 7-10: A cruise through the whole Northern Norway: Tromsø to Bodø [UPD 2018]
- Day 4-6: Tromsø, a warm welcome in a city in the Arctic circle, 5 things to do [UPD 2018]
- Day 2-3: Oulu, the last stop before Norway north, 6 things to do [OLD]
- All Norway from North to South, Day 1-3: Trip plan [OLD]
This post came from my older blog and will be adjusted to meet newer standards
Trondhieim is many things! It is the first capital of Norway (until 1217) and after the relocation of the capital , the city kept playing an important role in development of Norway. It continues up to these days. Today’s Trondheim an important high-tech center with rich history.
During the few days, I have checked what old and new Trondheim is like, and also stayed at a countryside on one of the local farms
About Trondheim
The tourists probably know the city’s most recognizable view of Trondheim: the colorful wooden houses on the both sides of the river. Those, who are into history, see the city as a home of Norway’s “eternal king” and as important archeological spot. Some others would probably tell, that it is a modern high-tech and eco-friendly city.
Past and present, few facts
- Evidenced by the rock carvings, people have been living in the area for thousands of years. Trondheim was the capital of Norway in the Viking ages and was center of Christianization later. This is reflected in multiple museums and in the city’s architecture.
- The place is an important spot in archaeology and gave a lot of findings, primarily of medieval time. There was the largest amount of Viking swords found. While I stayed at the countryside, I was told that even recently a farmer found two swords and donated them to a museum.
- The city played the key role in religion spread. In fact, some people in these days associate the city with Olaf II, who is also called the Norway’s “eternal king”. He played a major role in converting Norway to Christianity.
The modern reminders of that are the Nidaros Cathedral and Archbishop’s palace. - During the World War II, the city was occupied on the first day of invasion. This has left untouched most of the city’s old architecture.
- These days, people call Trondheim: old capital, technical capital, electric cars capital, bicycle capital, eco-capital.
On the train from Bodo to Trondheim you can capture how the landscape changes. When closer to destination, I saw how everything becomes greener. Tress are getting bigger, and at some point, you can see mostly them in the window, with short breaks that allow you to see the land.
Since nothing is going on behind the window, it is a good opportunity to work on my blog. Sometimes, piece of beautiful land appears, and, like in a western movie, I had to take out my gun (camera) really fast to make a shot, before everything disappears behinds the trees again.
First thing that I noticed in the city – the amount of cyclists (and also later the amount of electric cars), there is a lot of bicycle roads and almost any photo I took had a cyclist.
And, talking about photos, there are many things to shoot!
I have found that, museums and old town districts very well bring the atmosphere of the past. Probably the most interesting area is Bakklandet with its wooden architecture.
One more thing I noticed, is that fjords are not as high as in other parts. Instead, the area is covered with the beautiful farmland. I stayed there for a couple of days and It was wonderful and very relaxing time. Organic food, fresh air and nice, welcoming people.
Interesting thing is that Norwegian take their kids to the mountains from a very early age.
5 things to do in Trondheim
The city is good for cycling, so to explore it can recommend getting a bicycle.
1. Explore an old district
I love old wooden areas and Trondheim is the pearl of traditional Scandinavian architecture. Most of it located in the Bakklandet district. You would find a lot of small design shops and cafeterias.
But don’t limit your visit to its main street and shore side. There are very pretty residential areas up the hill. People put different cute things onto their windows.
To the north of Bakklandet there is an old harbor, which is now redone into a public area.
2. Countryside on opposite shore
I is quite easy to get to the opposite island and there you would find yourself in a completely different place. I would also recommend having a stay there.
3. Visit the museum, find out about the history of the city
For a historical spot like Trondheim, I think it is important visiting the historical museum. It is not very big and gives a good overview of the development of the region. The museum has many archaeological findings presented. It is even free.
4. Archbishop’s palace museum and Nidaros cathedral
Trondheim is largely related to religion. You would find a very unusual for the North cathedral – the Nidaros cathedral. The Archipishop’s palace is interesting by itself and it has the museum, that shows original parts of the Middle ages palace.
5. Get up to the Kristiansten fortress
It opens a great view onto the city and is quite close to Bakklandet.
Few more things about Trondheim