Rope jumping in St. Petersburg, Step over your fears [OLD]

This post is very old, back from dinosaur time.  It is a candidate to be adjusted to meet new standards.

russia (147x150) 123 extreme (150x146)

I am looking down from the 40 meters height, preparing for the jump.

My body refuses to move. During the last hour, I saw tens of people who did the jump. I was sure it would not be a problem to do it myself and that I would do it right away. I start to doubt when it’s my turn to do the fastening. The closer to the jump, the faster my heart beats. The peak comes when the instructor steps aside and there is nothing between me and the height. All logic and common sense leaves me, and my instinct of self-preservation takes over<a ” src=”×1024.jpg” alt=”_IGP7349″ width=”680″ height=”1024″ />

More, than just rope jumping.

The split second when you force yourself forward is the reason for the whole jump. You change from a frightened person to someone who leaves his or her fears behind. The fall lasts only a few moments, and when you are swinging on a rope you realize what you have done.

Ask yourself, what is it that you are afraid of? When was the last time you felt timid about something? After the jump, try asking yourself, what are these fears compared to what you have done? I thing, in many cases, the answer would be obvious. I would say even more, the more afraid you are, the more reasons you have to face your fear.




In St. Petersburg I tried rope jumping with two teams. There is a good chance that one of the teams will organize rope jumping during your visit.

RAPT team.

Organizes the jumps almost every weekend. Team works English speakers.



My first jump was with them.

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